Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wow God!

I love how God uses things to point out to us that he is GOD! So we have been not so patiently waiting on hearing something from our home study agency and our social worker. I run to my computer every morning and check my email like a crazy women, but nothing and it is driving me crazy. Tonight I got my devotional book out and read what was for today, and wow God spoke :) Here is what it said;

Wait and Work
Blessed is a man who endures trials, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that He has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

As individuals and as a nation, we become impatient for the changes that we so earnestly desire. We want solutions to our problems, and we want them now! But sometimes, life's greatest challenges defy easy solutions, so we must be patient.
Psalm 37:7 commands us to wait patiently for God, but, for most of us, waiting quietly for Him is difficult. Why? Because we are fallible human beings who seek solutions to our problems today, if not sooner. We seek to manage our lives according to our own timetables, not God's. Still, God instructs us to be patient in all things, and that is as it should be. After all, think how patient God has been with us.

Wow what do you say to that? God knows exactly when we need to hear something. And I know that God has to be super patient with me ;) because I am only human and a lot of time my human nature is what gets the better of me, and I forget that God is in control. So my goal is to wait patiently on God and try no to be spastic and know that everything happens in his timing and that it will happen!

1 comment:

summer said...

Amazing post!!! Thank you!!!